Mulla `Ali al-Qari [d. 1014 AH] writes:
�If there is no-one in the house then say �as-sal�mu �al� al-Nabiyyi wa rahmatull�hi wa barak�tuh.� because the soul of prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, is present in the house of the Muslims (ay li�anna r�hahu �alayhi al-sal�muh�dirun f� buy�ti ahlal islam).
[Sharah al- Shifa, Vol.2, p.118, published by Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah, Lebanon]
Since this statement from Mulla `Ali al-Qari is against wahabi-deobandi belief, the raees al muharrifeen ( chief fabricator) from the deobandi sect , Maulvi Srafaraz safdar Khan ( Gujranwala, Pakistan),while translating the Arabic quote into Urdu writes:
�as-sal�mu �al� al-Nabiyyi wa rahmatull�hi wa barak�tuh is (not) to be said because the soul of prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, is present in the house of the Muslims, rather by reciting as-salamu 'alayna wa'ala 'ibadillahis saliheen [Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of Allah] it is meant the prophets and angels.
[Mulla Ali al- Qari aur masla ilm ghayb wa hazir wa nazir, p.36, published by Maktaba Safdariyah Gujranwala, Pakistan]
The deobandi maulvi wrote the correct Arabic text but fabricated the translation by adding extra �not� within the brackets, there by totally changing the meaning!
This was not enough, so in another book the same maulvi fabricated the original Arabic quote itself!
Maulvi Sarfaraza Khan al-deobandi writes:
La li�anna r�hahu �alayhi al-sal�mu h�dirun f� buy�ti ahlal islam, he then translates this as:
�This opinion is NOT correct that the soul of the prophet sal allahu �alayhi wa sallam is present in the house of the muslims�
[Tabrid al-Nawazir, p.167 and 168, published by Maktaba Safdariyah Gujranwala, Pakistan]
By inserting that additional word �not� (La in Arabic) maulvi Sarfaraz safadar al-deobandi has given the exact opposite meaning and shown his hatred towards the love and respect of prophet sal allahu alayhi wa sallam.
Indeed this is the fabrication of the highest order!
To legalize his fabrication he writes further:
�In some copies the word �La� is missing!
We ask these fabricators to produce any manuscript or printed copy of Sharah al �Shifa of Mulla `Ali al-Qari to prove their claim!
The truth is there is no such �la� in any manuscript or printed copy of Sharah al -Shifa.
Source: Fabrications: Tampering of the Islamic Texts
Abdullah Sabri Chishti
Extracted from, official web page of Hazrath Fazlullah Chisti Saheb
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